June 2021 Index Returns

We hope everyone's summer is in full swing and that you are able to enjoy some time away from the office.

Our monthly index total return comparison can be found in the Client Area of our website.  You can either view it online or download it, where you can also private label it.

In equities:

  • Interestingly, there is different leadership whether you look at the last 1 month, last 3 months, or YTD.  Large growth (6.3%) led in June, frontier markets (14.1%) led for the last 3 months, and small value (26.7%) leads YTD.  What will leadership look like for the second half of 2021?
  • In international equities for the month, developed large (-1.1%) and small cap (-1.7%) earned negative returns while EM (0.2%) and frontier markets (2.7%) were both positive.
  • Global REITS continued their climb out from 2020 gaining 1.6% in June and 10.2% for the quarter.
  • On a YTD basis, returns for equities in general are pretty much at or above their historical annualized returns, and we are only half way through the year.  While this upward trajectory can certainly continue, we also know its common to have intra-year declines at some point during the year.

In fixed income:

  • The yield curve flattened in June with Treasury rates five years and shorter increasing while longer rates dropped.  With this in mind, shorter term bonds were negative for the month while intermediate and longer term bonds were positive.
  • What we witnessed in FI in June is different from what we have seen YTD as intermediate and long term taxable bonds are still negative on a YTYD basis through June month end.
  • Munis are outpacing their taxable bond counterparts on a YTD basis.

If you have any questions, please contact support@xyinvestmentsolutions.com.

As an additional note, please keep in mind that these reflect historical performance of the current models, not necessarily how accounts were invested in the past.