DFA Approval for use of DFA Mutual Funds

Dimensional Fund Advisors is an investment firm that provides educational resources to advisors and access to funds upon expedited approval. It manages assets exclusively for institutional investors and the clients of fee-based advisors, and a limited number of our XYIS models include the use of DFA funds. If you'd like to use models that include DFA, you'll start by getting approved by DFA's relationship management team.

Members of XYPN’s network benefit from expedited approval.

Please note: Every new firm must complete this process before any trades in DFA can be processed.

Process for Approval

  • Contact Dillon Hewitt-Castillo ( | (704) 448-8165).
  • Complete a virtual 15-20 min initial interest call.
  • Complete a second virtual call regarding investment philosophy, fund lineup, and resources available to you.
  • Attend a Foundations Conference virtually or in person. XYPN also offers a DFA post-con after #XYPNLIVE which fulfills this requirement.

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