Manage Users: The Orion Client Portal

Adding clients to the client portal is really easy and can be done in just a few steps. See below for instructions and a video walking you through the process.

Adding A Client to the Client Portal 

  1. Go to the "Manage Users" app
  2. Select Actions>New User
  3. Select the Household of the client you are adding.
  4. Enter client details. Not all fields are required. Tip: Most advisors use the client's email address as the username.
  5. Click save and then:
    1. Have an email automatically sent to the client by Orion (recommended).

Import Multiple Clients to the Portal in Bulk

If you are adding multiple clients at the same time, you can add them in bulk via an import. The fields in red are required. In the "ID" field you'll enter the household ID for the client. Send the completed template to and let us know if you'd like temporary passwords or to have Orion send the email out, and we'll process the import for you.

Because it requires a Household ID, you'll want to be sure to have all clients in the correct households prior to prepping the import. Note: for couples in the same household with two different usernames, you'll use the same household ID for both. (Forgot how to household? Here's a video tutorial!)