Billing and Performance Reporting

As part of period end billing, XYIS will prepare billing statements for each of your households. To access the reports, follow the steps below.

Accessing Performance & Billing Statements

  1. Click on the Reporting App in the Orion dashboard. (Navigate to the left-hand column > Select 'All Applications' > Scroll down and select 'Reporting' > Select 'Tools' > Select 'Report Batches')
  2. Select the file for the current period and double click to open.
  3. Go to "Actions" and select "Download all Generated Reports".
  4. This will download a zip file containing billing statements for each client. (Pro tip: to download all invoices as one file, do the following: when looking at the batch on screen > hold shift > select all the rows > right click > download as > merge simplex.)
  5. Review each statement for accuracy and contact if you have questions or see any adjustments that should be made. 

We'll run the billing and reporting around the 5th business day after period end. Once billing is collected, we will remit your portion to you via ACH. 

Please Note: We use accrual accounting and dividends earned on the last market day of the quarter will be included (whereas on custodial statements unsettled activity typically is excluded), meaning the account value billed may not line up exactly with clients' statements.

You can see a sample performance and billing statement here: