Completing a Rollover from a Retirement Plan

  1. Open an IRA account on the platform. The retirement plan provider will need the IRA account number to process a rollover.
  2. Call the delivering firm with the client on the phone. The client will need to do a verbal confirmation of their identity. Note: Depending on the type of plan, the delivering firm may have forms the client needs to sign. Should you have questions when filling out these forms, please let us know.
  3. Request for a check to be made out to:

    Charles Schwab & Co.

    FBO [Client Name] - [Client's Schwab Account #]

  1. The Plan Administrator/custodian should mail the check directly to the custodian at one of the following addresses:

Regular mail:

Charles Schwab

PO Box 2380

Omaha, NE 68103


Charles Schwab

200 S 108th Ave.

Omaha, NE 68154

  1. Upon the custodian's receipt of the check, the check will be deposited into the client's IRA account and coded as a direct rollover.