January 2024 Index Returns

In stocks (equities):

  • Stocks were very mixed for the month as US large cap growth gained 2.5% while emerging market stocks fell -4.6%.
  • Large cap stocks were generally positive in both the US and developed ex-US while small cap stocks fell in both regions.
  • The S&P 500 closed at a record high 4927.93 on January 29, 2024.

In fixed income (bonds):

  • Like stocks, bonds were also mixed for the month.
  • Munis generally fell, regardless of their maturity range
  • Treasuries and Corporates had slight gains in the 1-5 and 5-10 yr maturity ranges, but fell over the 10+ yr range.

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As an additional note, please keep in mind that these reflect historical performance of the current models, not necessarily how accounts were invested in the past.

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