June 2024 Index Returns

In stocks (equities):

  • Stock returns were mixed in June. Overall, the MSCI ACWI went up 2.2%.
  • R1000G was the highest performer, gaining 6.7%, with EM coming in second with a 3.9% return.
  • In the US, Nvidia has returned 149.5% on a YTD basis through June 30, meaning it has contributed 4.6% to the 15.3% S&P 500 YTD return. In other words, without this one stock, the S&P would have returned roughly 11.1%. This shows the impact just one stock can have.
  • Ex-US REITS (-3.7%) was the worst monthly performed followed by intl. developed small cap value (-3.6%).
  • Over the last 1 yr period, all stock index returns are positive with the exception of ex-US REITS (-1.9%).

In bonds (fixed income):

  • Treasury yields were fairly flat for the < 6 month portion of the yield curve but fell across the rest of the yield curve in June as inflation eased in May (reported in June).
  • All fixed income benchmarks we show had positive returns for the month with 10+ yr munis going up the most (2.0%).
  • Treasuries outperformed their corporate counterparts across the short, intermediate, and longer term parts of the yield curve while munis outperformed the Treasuries and corporates.
  • Over the last 1 yr period, all bond index returns are positive with the exception of 10+ yr Treasuries.

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As always, please let us know if you have any questions by emailing support@xyinvestmentsolutions.com.

As an additional note, please keep in mind that these reflect historical performance of the current models, not necessarily how accounts were invested in the past.

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