Opening a SEP IRA

To open a SEP IRA at Schwab, the SEP IRA Application, Employer's Agreement with Schwab, and Adoption Agreement must be completed, signed, and submitted. To streamline the process for your client, we recommend gathering all the necessary information upfront. This ensures the forms are fully and accurately completed. We've provided an Excel template to help you collect the required business and plan details. Links to the full versions of the forms are also included below.

To get started, please upload all of the required information to

Important note about SEP IRA Contributions: SEP IRA contributions CANNOT be made via Schwab Moneylink. The approved contribution methods are outlined below.

Employers can send contributions to Schwab through:

  • Mobile Deposit (initiated by employer in SchwabAlliance)
  • Direct Deposit (ACH) initiated by client's bank
  • Journal from an eligible Schwab account
  • Check
  • Wire