October 2019 Index Returns

Below are the monthly index returns for October 2019.  

The indexes for October:

  • Equity indexes were all positive for the month with small cap slightly outperforming large cap (both domestically and internationally), growth beating value, and with non-US stocks doing better vs. their US counterparts.  International small cap was the best performing index for the month at 4.5%.
  • The Treasury curve saw rates rise by a fair amount in the 10 year and longer part of the curve throughout the month, until the Fed announcement when they fell, but still finished the month above where they started.  With prices moving in opposite direction of rates, the returns for US Treasuries 10+ fell during October.
  • All equity indexes are also positive for the YTD, 1 year, 3 year and 10 year time frames.  Fixed income indexes are all positive for the periods shown of 3 months and longer.

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As a friendly public service announcement (we really are full service!), don't forget to turn your clocks back this weekend and enjoy the extra hour of sleep.