Billing Audit Instructions

Before quarter end, you'll need to complete a billing audit to makes sure all the correct specs and fee assignments are assigned to each account. All new accounts come in with certain defaults, we request that you review those default settings and make updates as needed. 

Here are instructions, followed by a video tutorial:

  1. Open the  Billing Audit app and select "All Accounts" under the Account Audit section in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Change your view to "Rep Quarter End Billing." Here you can see each account, the fee schedule assigned, as well as how the account is billed (advance/arrears, average daily balance/period end value, etc.) We do our best to set up your billing accurately based on the instructions you provide but it's very important that you verify the information as well.
  3. If you see any errors or missing fee schedules, click on the client account in question and make adjustments as needed.
  4. If an additional fee schedule needs to be added, please contact so that we can add it to your firm profile.
  5. Once the auditing period is complete, we will send out a mock bill, also known as a Payable Summary, for you to review prior to actual quarter-end billing.